Muroto City Guide Book (English)


Explore the unknown world
Welcome to Muroto

■Must-go-sites in the Geopark
■Exploring Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark
■Three topics for learning and enjoying the Geopark
■Getting information in "Muroto Global Geopark Center"
■Getting inner beauty and health at "Searest Muroto"!
■Great experience at Muroto Dolphin Center!
■Muroto Schoolhouse Aquarium
■Experience whaling with digital technology.
■Know everything about "Kiramesse Muroto"
■There's nothing like activities in natural environments.
They are so much fun!
■Breathtaking views and places of interest.
■Buddhist monk Kukai attained enlightenment here in Muroto.
■Be familiar with history and culture DISCOVER Muroto
■Three recommended model plans
■Enjoy a variety of matural food.
Muroto's popular gourmet foods
■STAY GUIDE 26 Places to stay in Muroto

Muroto Geopark Promotion Commitee
Web:Muroto UNESCO Global Geopark



    仁淀川は、西日本最高峰の石鎚山に源を発し土佐湾に注ぐ、 総延長124kmにも及ぶ四国を代表する川のひとつです。 この川の代

  • 室戸ユネスコ世界ジオパーク

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  • 仁淀川町おでかけマップ

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